about the DAC

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about the DAC

Post by markintosh »

Hi to all,
I\'d like to use the DAC provided with the DemoBoard and after taking a look at the \"ee_board.h\" code I can\'t understand what are the parameters of the EE_dac_fast_write function.

Code: Select all

__INLINE__ EE_INT8 __ALWAYS_INLINE__ EE_dac_fast_write( EE_UINT16 data, EE_UINT8 port, EE_UINT8 power)
I tried some combinations of values but I can\'t get more then few tens of millivolts for the output tension of DAC 1. Can pkease someone explain me the right use? Cheers, MARCO

Re:about the DAC

Post by markintosh »

A correction of the previous post, I\'ve partially solved the problem, now I can get significant value for the DAC output (I forgot to set up the third jumper on the demo board),but an explanation of the right usage of the function would be thanked!