Problems in loading ELF files produced by Scicos

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Moderator: paolo.gai

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Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:11 pm

Problems in loading ELF files produced by Scicos

Post by paolo.gai »

Dear all,

We just found that in some cases the Scilab/Scicos code generation Toolchain does not produce a valid ELF file.

It happened to us when using the C30 Student Edition 3.0x with expired license. The result is basically that the ELF file which is generated fails to be loaded by MPLAB.

The strange thing is that basically the file has been generated only using Microchip provided executables... Maybe it\'s a bug in MPLAB IDE?

There is in any case a workaround:

Just change the following line
preference_pic30__use_evidence_compiler_4_compile = false


preference_pic30__use_evidence_compiler_4_compile = true

in the /bin/ files.

The change simply skips the usage of the C30 compiler from Microchip, using the compiler we provide (which is a C30 2.01 recompiled from Microchip sources available on the web).

The executable file produced in this case is loaded correctly by MPLABIDE...

I do not know the reason of the problem, and I will contact a Microchip FAE to understand what it\'s wrong with the ELF file which is not loaded correctly.

